Shareif of Hazrat Mai Saheba (R.A.)
Her Holiness was the daughter of Hazrat Khwaja
Syed Arab Bukhari (R.A). She was highly respected and loveable
mother of His Holiness, Mehboob-e-Elahi. She was educated,
courageous, religious minded and absolutely punctual of Namaz,
Roza, Ibadat (prayer’s) and strong belief in Almighty Allah
Tala (God). She was a source of strength, peace and patience.
Her Holiness life was full of miracles (divine graces). God
listened to her immediately! In ‘Siyar-ul-Auliya’ His Holiness
Sultan-ul-Mashaikh said that whatever his mother wished to
do, (even before thinking about it, she dreamt of it) Allah
Tala (God) fulfilled her wishes. His Holiness says that whenever
she wanted any thing, she recited five hundred times Darood
Sharif and her wish were fulfilled immediately.
Once her maid servant ran away from her house,
no one was there for doing her house hold work. She was totally
upset! She put Musalla (prayers rugs) on the floor and started
praying without covering her head and said "Oh, Allah Tala,
I will not cover my head with Dupatta if you don’t send the
maidservant at once!" She immediately heard a mysterious voice
that some one is saying that we have arrested the maidservant
and is at your door. His son (Mehboob-e-Elahi) hands over
the maidservant to her.
Once she dreamt and` heard a mysterious voice,
asking her to select either the husband or the son. She selected
her son Sultan-ul-Mashaikh. She did not disclose the dream
but took extraordinary care and affection of her husband.
His Holiness Sultan-ul-Mashaikh was impressed
by his mother’s miracles. She knew her death time. It was
the last day of the month of Jamadiul Sani, His Holiness came
to see her and after kissing her mother’s feet, he saw tears
in her mother’s eyes. He enquired and she said with affection:
"Ah, my son to whom you will greet
on the next moon of the month"?
His Holiness was taken aback and started
weeping! He fell on to her feet and cried, "Makhdooma on
to whom you are bestowing your son"? The mother said, "my
son, come in the morning to listen and stay tonight at Hazrat
Shaikh Najeebuddin Muta wakkil’s (R.A) house."
His Holiness could not sleep and was restless
the whole night. Before the dawn, the maidservant came running
to His Holiness that Mai Saheba is calling you. His Holiness
at once rushed and fell on her mother’s feet. She raised
His Holiness right hand and said to Almighty Allah Tala
"Allah Tala, you’re the creator of all
creations, I am entrusting my innocent son to you. You are
the Savior, the Sustainer!"
and she took her last breath!